Features > Google OAuth
1. Create a new project on Google Cloud
2. Click on [API & Services] and then [Credentials]
3. Go to [Configure Consent Screen]
4. Provide your information. Utilize the ChatGPT prompts on the /tos and /privacy-policy pages to automatically generate your details. Then add userinfo.email & userinfo.profile to scope.
Add yourself as test user and submit.
5. Navigate to Credentials and select [+ Create Credentials], then choose [Oauth Client ID].
6. Choose [Web Application]. Add http://localhost:3000 and https://your-project.supabase.co Authorized Saved origins. To Authorized Redirect URLs, add https://your-project.supabase.co/auth/v1/callback and click [Create]
7. Copy and paste the Client ID and Client Secret in the Google Secret to your Supabase Project. (Authentication > Providers > Google)
8. In Supabase dashboard, proceed to [Authentication] > [URL Configuration] and then add http://localhost:3000 to [Site URL] section. After that, add http://localhost:3000/* to [Redirect URLs] section.
9. Navigate to the [Oauth Consent Screen] and click on [Publish App]. After that, submit for verification by clicking on [Prepare for verification].