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Tutorials > Protected API Calls

Go into the /app/api folder – any file named route.js is your API endpoint! ✨ For an extra dash of simplicity, reach for the /libs/api.ts helper (it's like an axios wizard with interceptors).

1. Auto error messaging for the general cases such as Please Login , Paid Plan Required to use this feature etc.

2. Redirect to login page upon error 401

3. Add /api as a base URL: converts /api/leads /leads

🍪 Supabase has your back with authentication using cookies – it's automatic! 🚀 Just fire off a regular API call on the front-end, like a breeze:

1 2 "use client" 3 4 import { useState } from "react"; 5 import apiClient from "@/libs/api"; 6 7 const UserDetails = () => { 8 const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); 9 const supabase = createServerComponentClient({ cookies }); 10 11 const { 12 data: { session }, 13 } = await supabase.auth.getSession(); 14 15 const saveUser = async () => { 16 setIsLoading(true); 17 18 try { 19 const { data } = await"/user", { 20 email:, 21 }); 22 23 console.log(data); 24 } catch (e) { 25 console.error(e?.message); 26 } finally { 27 setIsLoading(false); 28 } 29 }; 30 31 return ( 32 <button className="btn btn-primary" onClick={() => saveUser()}> 33 {isLoading && ( 34 <span className="loading loading-spinner loading-sm"></span> 35 )} 36 Save User 37 </button> 38 ); 39 }; 40 41 export default UserProfile; 42

🔙 On the backend, we grab the session magic and use it to fetch the user from the database. But first things first – configure that database! 🛠️ Your API file is the secret sauce and should have a vibe like this:

1 2 import { createRouteHandlerClient } from "@supabase/auth-helpers-nextjs"; 3 import { NextResponse } from "next/server"; 4 import { cookies } from "next/headers"; 5 6 export const dynamic = "force-dynamic"; 7 8 export async function POST(req) { 9 const supabase = createRouteHandlerClient({ cookies }); 10 const { data } = await supabase.auth.getSession(); 11 const { session } = data; 12 13 // Check authentication by the object returned by Supabase 14 if (session) { 15 const body = await req.json(); 16 17 if (! { 18 return NextResponse.json({ error: "Email is required" }, { status: 400 }); 19 } 20 21 try { 22 // For this call, you need to create a table named "users" in your database 23 const { data } = await supabase 24 .from("users") 25 .insert({ email: }) 26 .select(); 27 28 return NextResponse.json({ data }, { status: 200 }); 29 } catch (e) { 30 console.error(e); 31 return NextResponse.json( 32 { error: "Something went wrong" }, 33 { status: 500 } 34 ); 35 } 36 } else { 37 // Unauthenticated 38 NextResponse.json({ error: "Not signed in" }, { status: 401 }); 39 } 40 } 41