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Features > SEO


1. Access the config.ts file and input values for appName, appDescription, and domainName. These entries will serve as default SEO tags. The /libs/seo.ts helper ensures that essential SEO tags, populated with your default values, are applied to all pages through the primary /app/layout.tsx file.

2. To put your own SEO tags on a page without changing all of them, follow these simple steps:

1 2 import { getSEOTags } from "@/libs/seo"; 3 ... 4 5 export const metadata = getSEOTags({ 6 title: "Blog Page | Next Starter AI", 7 canonicalUrlRelative: "/blog", 8 }); 9 10 export default async function BlogPage() { 11 ... 12

🗒️ Recommendation

It is recommended to set title andcanonicalUrlRelative for each of the pages of your application.

3. When appropriate, include Structured Data on a page by using the renderSchemaTags() function found in /libs/seo.ts This enhances Google's understanding of your website, potentially earning you a rich snippet. For more details, refer to the documentation inside the component. Here's an illustration:

1 2 import { renderSchemaTags } from "@/libs/seo"; 3 4 export default function CustomPage() { 5 return ( 6 <> 7 {renderSchemaTags()} 8 9 <main className="flex min-h-screen flex-col items-center justify-center text-center gap-4 p-4"> 10 <h1 className="text-3xl">Next Starter AI</h1> 11 ... 12 </main> 13 </> 14 ); 15 } 16

4. Include your main URL (e.g., under siteUrl in the next-sitemap.config.js file located in the root folder. This will produce a sitemap.xml and robots.txt file encompassing all your pages during the build process.

1 2 module.exports = { 3 // REQUIRED: add your own domain name here (e.g., 4 siteUrl: process.env.SITE_URL, 5 generateRobotsTxt: true, 6 // use this to exclude routes from the sitemap (i.e. a user dashboard). By default, NextJS app router metadata files are excluded ( 7 exclude: ["/twitter-image.*", "/opengraph-image.*", "/icon.*"], 8 }; 9

📌 Indexing

Make sure Google knows you own your website by verifying it in Google Search Console. This helps Google understand and list your site better.

Create a blog in just a few minutes.

Inside the /app/blog/_assets folder, locate the blog-contents folder housing all your blog posts. In the constants.ts file, find authors, categories, and style. Just input your content there, and Next Starter AI will automatically create a blog for you. Check out the blog section for additional information.